
Clean air
Chemical Industry

Source extraction in the chemical industry

Spot extraction is a necessary solution to prevent too high a concentration of health hazardous substances in production areas. During the manufacture of many different products in the chemical industry, gases and vapours spread quickly. Fine dust and aerosols (very small liquid droplets or solid particles floating in the air) can quickly contaminate the air. Some of these substances even fall under the ATEX guidelines because they can cause a dust explosion. Targeted extraction and ventilation can reduce the concentration of these types of dangerous contaminants.

Air Solutions Holland has the following different source extraction solutions for the chemical industry:

  • Extraction arms with various different nozzles
  • Extraction cranes for more range
  • Ring extraction around manholes or filler openings
  • Slit extraction very directional over the full width or length of a machine or process line
  • Edge extraction for a larger area around a machine or process line

The purpose of these extraction solutions is always the same: protect your employees by directly extracting harmful gases, vapours, fine dust and/or aerosols. The source extraction solution is therefore mounted as close as possible between the place where the dust is released and the place where your staff breathes air. Airflows are easily disturbed by rapid movements of equipment or heat and cold sources. Also, many gases and vapours are heavier than air, so they will sag downwards. All these specific requirements and preconditions are taken into account in our advice: how can we best protect your product and your employees, what is the best choice of source extraction, what speed of extraction is desirable and what is the ideal position of the extraction system. Air Solutions Holland therefore offers a customer specific solution that is most suitable for your situation, our employees are always ready to advise you without any obligation.

Quality marks:

  • CE
  • TÜV
  • ATEX for explosion-proof versions
  • FDA (U.S. Food and Pharmaceutical Risk Assessment)
  • GMP (Quality assurance system in food and pharmaceutical industry)