
Sustainable Air
Waste Processing Industry

Clean air in the waste processing industry

Source extraction More and more companies are trying to use their waste streams again, the 'cradle to cradle' principle tries to turn waste streams from a certain process into a food source for other products. During the processing of these types of residual products, but also during the processing of waste, annoying and often harmful (fine) dust is released. Companies will have to take measures to reduce dust exposure to an acceptable level. The best measure is to ensure that as little dust as possible is generated or that the dust is extracted as close to the source as possible. Air Solutions Holland has a number of different source extraction solutions, for more information click on the button source extraction. Filtration Dust is a collective name for all types of particles that are easily carried along in an air stream. Some types of dust, such as quartz dust, hardwood, asbestos are harmful to health when the correct or insufficient measures are not taken. In the air around us there is always dust, visible and invisible. Dust can consist of solid particles. If they are caused by combustion, we call them smoke. Liquid particles floating in the air are called mist. Dust' is a collective term for all types of particles that are easily carried along in an air stream. Air Solutions Holland has a number of solutions to minimize the dust concentration in your waste processing plant, such as static filters, cartridge filters and bag filters. For more information click on the button filtration. Air scrubber In addition to dust problems, the processing of organic waste often creates odour or even odour nuisance. In order to neutralise these kind of difficult emission problems Air Solutions Holland has air scrubbers in their delivery program. Click on the button air scrubber for more information.